Hair Salon

Cutting hair was never a dream of mine.

But-- seeing that expense in our budget was getting to me. I suggested to Brian that I try it and - lo and behold - he gave the okay! I love his easygoing personality.

Brian typically goes every 2 weeks. That's 26 hair cuts a year. After payment and tip, these average between $15-$20. That's a yearly expense of $390-$520!

ZZ goes about once a month. His cost is $15-$20 because the kid's places charge a small fortune. That's a yearly expense of $180-$240.

Our family could save an average of $624 a year. That's $8736 by the time our son leaves for college.

I started out on Z. Better he end up with a buzz cut than the man who we depend on for his sales commission.

I used a "2" guard and shaved around the bottom half of his head. I used scissors to trim the top all the way around. I never cut straight acros the scissors - rather I made slanted cuts to prevent visible cut-lines all over his head.

But that left me with the weird transition between the top and bottom.

I decided to try to blend them like I had seen the stylists do it. I took a comb, held it at an angle, and ran the electric shaver over it.

It did not work like I thought.
After creating a bald spot on the back of his head (again - GLAD this was not our breadwinner's head), I learned not to try that again.

Then it was Brian's turn. Again, I trimmed around the bottom half with the 2 guard, and trimmed the top with scissors.

But, this time, I had armed myself with a plethora of YouTube videos on how to blend the top and bottom. I used scissors instead of the shaver and the results were perfect!

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